Upload your SuSa (German customers only)

Your monthly balance sheet (SuSa in German) is required for your Profitability & financial health insights. The upload applies to customers with their legal entity registered in Germany.

Summen und Saldenliste (SuSa): This includes all accounts with opening and closing balances as well as account movements. You need the SuSa for loan applications as well as for detailed business analyses.

What a 12-month monthly balance sheet should look like:

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1. First go to DATEV Unternehmen online.

2. Log in accordingly.

3. Once you have logged in successfully, click on Applications, top right.

4. Click on Reports Business Accounting.

5. Click on Ledger Report.

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6. Select:

  • Sachkonten (Ledger Accounts)
  • Debitorenkonten (Accounts receivable)
  • Kreditorenkonten (Accounts payable)
  • Most recent month

7. Once done, click on Apply. You should now see your SuSa for the current Fiscal Year.

8. Click on Export.

9. Select the CSV format and click on Export.

10. Don’t forget to check that the correct information is in your file and then upload the spread sheet to re:cap following these steps:

  • Via the navigation menu, click on Data and then Accounting.
  • Under Accounting documents, click on Monthly balance sheets.
  • Click on the Add data manually button.
  • Upload your file and then follow the instructions to confirm.

Original source for descriptions.

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