How innovative tech companies optimize their financing stack with recurring revenues to extend their runway

With re:cap companies optimize their cash flow and extend their runway by trading future revenues from their subscription model against on-demand financing.

It is no exception that founders of venture capital financed tech companies only hold 10 to 15 percent of the shares of their company at IPO.

In contrast re:cap financing is non-dilutive, which means that founders do not have to sell shares and thus can avoid early dilution.

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What other founders achieved with re:cap

While validating funding options to accelerate our growth we came across re:cap’s financing line and quickly realized it’s exactly what we needed: full flexibility and full control at attractive conditions. The process was transparent and fast (days, not months) which allowed us to focus on our core business.
Artur Hasselbach
CFO at Talentsconnect
For us as a company with recurring revenues from offering both hardware and software-as-a-service, re:cap's financing option is a great tool for cash flow management. In addition to that, the financing process was quick and uncomplicated.

Frederik Merz

CBDO & Co-Founder at

In the first instance, we used the flexible liquidity buffer gained through re:cap to finance long-term marketing and sales activities that we would not have been able to tackle until later without re:cap. We are pleased to be able to continue using re:cap for flexible growth, for example to expand our sales team.

Dirk Brockmeyer

Executive Partner at Tabtool

re:cap has enabled us to get access to funding in an incredibly fast and transparent process. Also, I really like the business insights dashboard which helps us to understand and improve our funding terms. I would recommend every founder to look into re:cap as a financing partner.

Tobias Hagenau

CEO & Co-Founder at awork

With re:cap, we were able to get non-dilutive funding at an early stage which is great for every startup founder. The whole process was simple and fast, and we look forward to a long-term partnership in building Meisterwerk.

Bertram Wildenauer

CEO & Co-Founder at Meisterwerk

Your ideal funding set-up

If you’re a SaaS company or bring recurring revenues to the table, re:cap is the perfect partner to support your funding needs.


Subscription business model

Your business generates predictable recurring revenue.

EU-based company

Your legal entities are at least partly located in the EU.

Sufficient runway

You have at least six months of runway when drawing the funding.

Add on to your capital stack

Delay your next funding round, downsize or avoid it with re:cap.