Growth financing for your path to profitability

SaaS-companies accelerate growth with re:cap on their own terms – invest in marketing, sales, new markets, and more. Improve your predictions of the impact of growth initiatives and get on your path to profitability.
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Accelerate your growth without dilution or restriction

Growth or profitability? With re:cap, it doesn't have to be an either/or decision. With re:cap's financing line for SaaS companies, you can invest in sales and marketing even in the current market environment in order to approach profitability with stronger growth.

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Finance customer acquisition costs

Stop worrying about CAC putting a strain on cash flow when scaling revenue. Instead, use re:cap to convert future revenue into upfront capital and cover your CAC payback period with no effort.

Expand market presence

Increase your revenue by tapping into new markets and customer groups, by developing new products and features, by hiring new marketing and sales experts, and more – all enabled by re:cap.

The flexible financing line for recurring revenue companies

With re:cap, you can turn your future revenues into a flexible financing line you can tap into whenever you want.


Non-dilutive funding based on your recurring revenues in the exact amount you need, precisely when you need it.

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Full transparency on your terms

Our intelligence platform tells you until when you will be able to draw additional funding with exactly the terms you’re seeing now. You can even simulate how a reduced burn rate or additional cash might change the equation.

2 — 15%

Financing fee

10 - 60% of your ARR

Financing limit

Funding without compromise

We give you full control over your finances – and your company’s future. Get funding on-demand to boost your growth or increase your capital efficiency.

Full control

Make use of your financing line whenever you need it.

No strings attached

We won’t take any of your equity, nor will we include any warrants or covenants.

Funding that scales

Your financing terms and limit steadily improve as your company grows.

Lean process

All digital without lengthy negotiations. Get approved in 48 hours.

What other founders have achieved with re:cap

While validating funding options to accelerate our growth we came across re:cap’s financing line and quickly realized it’s exactly what we needed: full flexibility and full control at attractive conditions. The process was transparent and fast (days, not months) which allowed us to focus on our core business.
Artur Hasselbach
CFO at Talentsconnect
For us as a company with recurring revenues from offering both hardware and software-as-a-service, re:cap's financing option is a great tool for cash flow management. In addition to that, the financing process was quick and uncomplicated.

Frederik Merz

CBDO & Co-Founder at

In the first instance, we used the flexible liquidity buffer gained through re:cap to finance long-term marketing and sales activities that we would not have been able to tackle until later without re:cap. We are pleased to be able to continue using re:cap for flexible growth, for example to expand our sales team.

Dirk Brockmeyer

Executive Partner at Tabtool

re:cap has enabled us to get access to funding in an incredibly fast and transparent process. Also, I really like the business insights dashboard which helps us to understand and improve our funding terms. I would recommend every founder to look into re:cap as a financing partner.

Tobias Hagenau

CEO & Co-Founder at awork

With re:cap, we were able to get non-dilutive funding at an early stage which is great for every startup founder. The whole process was simple and fast, and we look forward to a long-term partnership in building Meisterwerk.

Bertram Wildenauer

CEO & Co-Founder at Meisterwerk

The German market leader for SaaS financing

90 Mio. € +

Platform liquidity

800+ companies

on our platform

Trusted by over 200 founders like you

Reach new heights with re:cap

Get access to our funding and intelligence platform and receive your funding offer or talk to one of our experts to find out how re:cap can fund your way to growth.